Friday, December 2, 2011

characteristics of Class -PELECYPODA of MOLLUSCA

The word PELECYPODA  is derived from two Greek words pelekys=hatchet and podos.The characteristics 
 can be listed below.
 1. They are aquatic, mostly marine and some freshwater forms.
 2. They have bilaterally symmetrical and laterally compressed.
 3. They do not have distinct head.Pharynx,jaws,radula and    
     tentacles are absent.
 4. They have shell consisting of two lateral valves,hinged
     together mid-dorsally.
 5. They have ventral foot,muscular that is used for plough
 6. They have bilobed mantle consisting of paired, right and left
 7.They have paired gills or ctenidia one on each side.
 8. They have dorsally placed  reduced coelom.
  9.They have coiled alimentary canal with paired digestive
10. They have heart in pericardium and consist of median ventricle and two auricles.
11.They have paired nephridia or kidneys that open at one end into pericardium at the other end to the exterior.
12. They have nervous system consisting of four pairs of ganglia  namely cerebral, pleural,pedal and visceral.
13. They have cerebral and pleural ganglia fused into a single cerebro-pleural ganglion.
14. They have statocyst and osphradia as sense organ.
15.They are unisexual or bisexual.