Thursday, September 8, 2011

characteristics of invertebrates

        Invertebrates have following general characters.
1) Habitat:- The invertebrates are generally found every where in air, water and soil.
2)Shape:- The invertebrates are various in shape. Some donot have any regular shape like amoeba. It changes its shape. The rest of the invertebrate have some definite shape. Some of them are like plant appearance, ribbon like, vermiform and star.
3) Size:- The size of the invertebrates vary widely. They are smaller than RBC and bigger than 16.5 m in length.
4) Germ layers :- All the invertebrates except protozoa have germ layer. They are diploblastic or triploblastic.
5) segmentation:- Most of the invertebrates are not segmented except some flatworm and Annelida and Arthropoda.
6) Endoskeleton:- None of the invertebrates phyla have endoskeleton but few have exoskeleton like Arthropoda and mollusca.
7) Intra cellular and extra cellular digestion:- Digestion in invertebrates take both by intracellular and extra cellular digestion. In Protozoa and sponges intracellular digestion takes place but in the remaining invertebrate extra cellular digestion takes place.
8)Mode of reproduction:- Reproduction takes place in invertebrates both by sexual and asexual method.  

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